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Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage in Maryland

If you’re a commercial truck driver or a car driver who in the future meets with an accident,
you could probably end up with injuries. If that happens, there are medical expenses that
you need to shell out for your treatment. To take care of such expenses, Personal Injury
Protection (PIP) comes in handy. Here is a detailed explanation of what PIP coverage is and
why drivers need to have this coverage. Apart from this, we will also see a few other
questions regarding PIP coverage in Maryland.
What Is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage?
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is a type of auto insurance package that pays for medical
bills if injured in auto accidents, be it car accidents or truck accidents. The Personal Injury
Protection (PIP) insurance promptly pays for the expenses hassle free. It is also called “nofault insurance”. This is because you are eligible for the benefits regardless of who causes
the accident.
In the United States, some states have made it mandatory for drivers to have PIP coverage
with them even if they have health insurance that offers similar benefits as PIP does. In
states like Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, and New Jersey to name a
few, the law mandates all drivers to purchase PIP coverage. In total 17 states mandate
drivers to have PIP insurance.
On the other hand, a handful of states in the US have made PIP insurance optional. States
like Washington D.C, South Dakota, Virginia, Maryland, Wisconsin, Texas, Arkansas, and
Connecticut are states where PIP insurance is optional. Though it is optional, it is
recommended to have it because of the benefits that it provides and it's cost effectiveness..
Here’s why you need Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance.
Why Do You Need Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage?
The simple answer is the host of benefits that it provides. It offers several benefits that you
usually don’t get from a health insurance policy. Here is a list of the benefits offered by PIP
insurance. Mind you, the benefits offered, vary depending on the state. Some states provide
all the benefits available in the package and some states offer a few.
The Personal Injury Protection insurance includes:
Medical Expenses:
If you meet with an accident and get injured, PIP will pay your treatment expenses up to a
limited amount that your PIP insurance covers. Not only does it cover your expenses, but it also covers all the individuals included in the insurance policy. The expenses that the policy
covers include surgeries, appointment costs, medications, and a few others.
The highlight of this insurance policy is that even if you get injured from an accident while
you're riding a bike, PIP covers the medical expenses in such scenarios. Even traveling as a
passenger in someone else's car, if you get injured in an accident, Personal Injury Protection
covers you.
Lost Income Due To Injury:
After getting injured in an accident, if your injury is such that it disables you from working,
you could lose wages in your recovery period. In such scenarios, PIP insurance can help you
recover your wages so that you can pay your bills and can put food on the table. This benefit
is something that you likely won’t get in a typical health insurance policy.
Rehab Expenses:
PIP insurance also covers the expenses of physical therapy, chiropractic, and rehabilitation
after getting injured in an accident.
Covers Household Services Expenses:
After getting injured in an accident, the chances are you may not perform regular household
chores like cleaning the house and other house-related work. For this, you would probably
take the support of others like a cleaning service company. In such cases, PIP covers the
costs of some homecare services.
Death Benefits:
Sometimes fatal accidents lead to death. In such scenarios, a PIP policyholder’s family will
get a small cash payout.
Funeral Expenses:
If an injury from an accident leads to death, there will be expenses to perform the funeral of
the deceased. In such cases, PIP covers funeral expenses as well.
The above are the benefits that you can get from Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance.
Here is a list that details what is not covered in the PIP insurance.
What Damages Are Not Covered In The Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage?
The PIP insurance doesn't cover:
-Injuries suffered from committing a crime.
-Vehicle damages.
-If you’ve damaged someone else's property and claim for covering expenses for the
damages done.
The above are just a few damages listed that the policy doesn’t include. There is more than
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Eligible For Truck Drivers?
There are different types of insurances available and one among them is Personal Injury
Protection (PIP) insurance. Just like car drivers who get injured in car accidents get several
benefits from PIP coverage, truck drivers at large get similar benefits. It includes medical
expenses, loss of wages due to injury, rehabilitation costs, and funeral costs to name a few.
Does MedPay Offer The Same Benefits As Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?
MedPay does pay for medical expenses if you get injured in an auto accident but doesn’t
provide the additional benefits that come with PIP insurance. Benefits like covering loss of
wages due to injury, covering expenses of household services, and paying for funeral costs
are offered by PIP insurance.
Is It Mandatory To Have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Even If I Have Health Insurance?
If you’re living in a state that mandates PIP coverage, then you need to purchase PIP
insurance even if you have health insurance. In other states where the PIP is optional, you
can either have the insurance or not. Though, having it is beneficial because it includes
additional benefits that a typical health insurance policy doesn’t offer